A New Year. A New Life.

Hi there! Happy 2011! It has been a while since I update my blog... Yes, I'm guilty of poor time management. I cannot remember where all my time went to for year 2010. I only know my time was all for my kids. So I was left with very little time for myself. But I was still contented.

This year, I decided to start afresh. To have a new life. To start exercising. To craft and sew. To meet up with my friends. To go out more often for a breather. I think it's time to reconnect with myself again.

On a happy note, my kids are growing well and happy! They make me feel so blessed. Meatball started a new school while Chilli started walking.

As I always promise about blogging more often, I fail to keep my promise. This year, it will be easier for me to find time. Sometimes I wonder why people can blog everyday when it seems so difficult for me to do so. But again, I'll try.

I'll show some pics of the handmades I made over the holidays last year.

& this year, I'll be sharing tutorials. It's a joy to share and learn from each other, isn't it? Next post tomorrow will be a tutorial on zippered pouch (as promised to a friend).

Here's something I made yesterday. A lantern from red packets. Chinese New Year is coming.

Hope everyone is doing very well.


p/s: my shop is opened now.

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Katie said...

The lantern is so adorable! :)

Creative Busy Bee said...

Welcome back to blog!

ann thomas :: said...

If I could craft, continue blogging, be a fab mommy, and keep my home in order - I'd be thrilled!

Am so nervous with my baby's due arrival, have only needed to look after myself all these years. Heh!

PS: Looks like you're off to a great start with your new year's goals. Kudos to you~