
It's September...?

Sometimes, I cannot believe how time really flies. It's September. Almost Christmas. Three quarter of 2010 has gone. And my little chilli is already 7.5 month-old. What have I achieved? Other than my weight (which is not moving any further down), everything seems to change for the better.

I have been working on wristlet clutches. It was a sudden idea one morning when I woke up. And I'm glad they turned out nicer than I thought. Now I can use the many beautiful fabric I have bought over the two years.

There are so many things to do in September. So hopefully, September will not pass so fast. I need the time.

Oh, I wish for a little makeover for the house too. Maybe a fresh coat of paint on a side of the wall? IKEA shopping is a must soon. So September is the month of busy-ness.

Everyday is very much a routine now. It feels good somehow. But I need excitement sometimes. So I sit at my sewing table and day dream.

I'm dreaming of going to Japan next year.

Yes, dreaming.

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Kerry said...

Im dreaming that too! But such a long flight, maybe one day!

place of beauty said...

the wristbag is nice... well patched... *0*