
a good news and a bad one

Here is the good news.

I have finally made fabric labels for my sewing after so long ^____^ I really like them very very much.

And now the bad news.

zy is down with HFMD (hand foot mouth disease). It's the 2nd time and it's real bad this time. =( Little chilli and I have shifted to my maiden home since last week. HFMD is an infectious disease so we wouldn't want to risk little chilli (she's still a baby!). I'm feeling so sad since I cannot be there taking care of zy when he needs me the most. As a mother, I feel like a failure.
Anyway, this means I have no access to my sewing machine and fabric until next week. It'll be a quilting retreat for me this week. To finish up little chilli's quilt.
All custom and wholesale orders status will be contacted via email. Thank you alot for your patience.

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Lyn said...

Aww..Hope the little one will get better quickly!And love the labels :)

Cindy said...

oh dear...hope ZY will recover soonest. I truly understand how you feel. Be strong ya.

Elaine said...

Hihi,would like to check with you, where can I get the fabric labels that you had?can email me at elainemummy@gmail.comThanks in advance!