Jan 8, 2015

#handsewpatchwork Block 16: Pot

The long holiday season is finally over and I'm back trying to catch up with this sew-a-long! Is everyone still handsewing with me or thinking if you should start hand sewing for this new year? Well, there's no better time to continue or start right now!^_^

This block is the 16th. If you have all 16 blocks unused for any other sewing, you can start piecing them together to make a 4x4 blocks mini quilt for the wall. I have yet to work out my dimensions but I'll post soon once I figure the numbers out. There will be two bonus blocks 17 and 18 for people like me who has used two of my previous blocks to make a zipper pouch and single-block wall quilt. So don't worry.


For this block, I chose to make a pot because it feels like it should be part of the quilt for hanging in the house! The pot is really easy to sew. The only tricky part is appliquéing the handle.


Cut out both paper and fabric templates. Be sure to take note that you have to flip the paper templates which are not symmetrical before tracing on fabric. Trace the rectangle number 8 first before cutting out the handle. Leave a narrower seam allowance of 0.5cm for the handle.


Arrange the fabric templates in groups. All sewing are from end-to-end for this block. Sew them in groups before joining them.



For the handle, use needle-turn technique for both sides. I always make creases along the traced line on the template that needs to be appliquéd. Then pin the template in place and use your fingers to fold the seams in while you sew. Read more about needle-turn technique here.




Lastly, sew the spout and handle to the pot body before joining all the groups together.


Here you go, pretty pot for your tea!xxx

^^For cross referencing if you have the book, this patchwork block is at page 173.

~please subscribe to this blog if you are following this sew-a-long. I may not post new blocks on the same day every week.~

1 comment:

i hope to hear from you! All your words mean so much to me!